Wednesday, May 20, 2009


01. Hellions on Parade (3:40)
02. ...And She Never Returned (3:32)
03. Rats in the Infirmary (3:30)
04. Imaginary Threats (3:43)
05. The Boardwalk Body (3:38)
06. Plagued By Images (3:24)
07. Karmaworks (4:05)
08. Woe Is Me (3:47)
09. A#1 Roller Rager (3:50)
10. Old Carver's Bones (4:57)
11. The Era of An End (3:52)


M_Easy said...

When I went to extract these I got a security warning... there may be evil little seedlings using radical drumming to bait and trap innocent music lovers.

You may want to look into this one...

jfinnegan1203 said...

Don't download it then. I didn't get that warning, but I have had those warnings before and no good came of it. You don't need this one anyway.